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Horizon Radio
Hot Minute Ep. 7 - Horizon Smart Factory 2024
In this episode of Hot Minute, Bryan Takano is joined by Horizon International Market Promotions Team General Manager Yasuo Taketsugu to introduce Horizon Smart Factory 2024.
Listen to learn about HSF Highlights like:
・HSF 2024 Basic Info
・Exhibition Zones
・System Linup & Collaborations
・Smart Factory Tech
Learn more about HSF 2024:
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#6 Horizon Folder Automation with JD Mackie
#5 Horizon at drupa 2024
#4 Herbert Cheong and #HistorywithHorizon
#3 Ryuji Kinugawa and #HistorywithHorizon
#2 Hideharu Hori and #HistorywithHorizon
#1 Eijiro Hori and #HistorywithHorizon
Konnichiwa and hi everyone. Welcome to Hot Minute with Horizon. I'm your host, Bryan Takano. Hot minute is the official podcast of the Horizon Group that's created to provide you with the latest news and information, about Horizon, our solutions, and global finishing trends. We want to keep things short and sweet, so let's jump right in.
Hello and welcome to another episode of Hot Minute with Horizon. My name is Bryan Takano, and today I'm joined by Yasuo Taketsugu of Horizon International to bring the latest news about our Horizon Smart Factory event that's taking place October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of 2024 here at our Horizon headquarters and factory in Takashima, Japan. So thank you for joining me today, Taketsugu-san.
Thank you very much, Bryan.
So, Taketsugu-san, it's less than a month until Horizon Smart Factory. How are you feeling?
It is exciting. It is exciting to have, you know, people from all over the world to show our smart factory concept here. That is very much exciting.
Yes, we've been talking about it for a while. And then earlier this year we had drupa and then. So we've had a jam packed full year full of events, and we're going to be ending it on a high note with Horizon Smart Factory. So I think it'll be an awesome event. So why don't we begin today's podcast by first talking about kind of the, how Horizon Smart Factory came into this shape?
So how we started this smart factory concept, it actually started in 2018 at the IGAS event. We had a Smart Factory Zone at the IGAS event, and then we had invited, you know, the speakers around the world to present, you know, how, you know, our customer is automating their facility. That was actually, you know, the first time. And then the most biggest one is actually, in 2019 we had a Think Smart Factory event in Kyoto.
So that event is actually because, you know, in 2018 at IGAS we had a good comment about the Smart Factory concept. So we, you know, changed the gear toward the smart factory concept dramatically and tried to organize that event.
And then following the Think Smart Factory 2019 in Kyoto, we've kind of been able to keep the Smart Factory event ongoing every year. We even had it in 2020, I believe.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As you know, something happened in 2020. So, it was almost like a virtual event, but the…2020 was the year we actually realized that we need to shift to, you know, the smart factory concept dramatically. Because, due to the Covid things, you know, labor shortage, you know, labor cost increase, you know, supply chain issues and so on.
So, you know, making this, you know, business differently or, you know, reconsider it at the time. And then the Smart Factory was a perfect fit to, you know, go that direction. So, we keep you know, going for the smart factory, even through Covid remotely. So we did the 2020 and also the 2021 as well, in a similar format.
Yes, and then that leads us to this year, Horizon Smart Factory 2024, where we're going to have our very first completely live Horizon Smart Factory event at the factory. So it'll be great having everyone from all around the world coming to visit, not just Kyoto like we did in 2019, but here at the factory. And everyone's working hard to prepare. Right Taketsugu-san?
The concept of the show is “Lights Out Automation”. So could you explain this concept a little bit Taketsugu-san?
So the lights out is actually a little bit of a bigger word. But the…what we are trying to say is actually, you know, as I mentioned earlier, you know, labor shortage and labor cost increase, you know, everything is becoming expensive, even electricity and so on.
So, we want to, you know, drive the automation in a more aggressive way. So we infrastructure the, you know, the…our production way from printing to finishing, fully automated. So even in the dark the, you know, facility can be operated. That is actually, you know, we would like to explain at the event.
Great and we have lots of space to do it. So we have at our factory, we have our showroom and training room and then another location on the factory, but we'll have a total of, I think, 2000m² of exhibition space with over 20 systems. So not all of it will be the lights out systems per se we’ll have one specific zone.
And additionally, with all these systems, of course, it's not just Horizon that is making this happen. We have lots of collaboration partners, software partners that are going to be taking part in this. So we have Canon Marketing Japan, DAC Engineering, FUJIFILM Business Innovation, Hunkeler, J SPIRITS, Konica Minolta Japan, OneVision Software, Ricoh Company, Riso Kagaku, RMGT, SCREEN Graphic Solutions, SpencerMetrics, Tecnau, Tessitura, and Ultimate Tech. Wow. We have lots of partners.
I think that's one of the themes that's becoming very important now because not one company is able to do everything. So it's important to have everyone here. Right?
Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's actually from the beginning. The partnership is the most important thing to achieve the smart factory concept. You know, all the hardware vendors, software vendors, you know, collaborating together to achieve, you know, the smart factory concept, you know, toward the same goal.
So we have all this exhibition space, 2000m² with over 20 systems, as I mentioned before. And it'll be divided into three major zones. So we'll have the Lights Out Zone, which all feature the systems that Taketsugu-san mentioned before that are able to operate autonomously without human interaction. And then we'll have our Automation and Workflow Zone, which is the biggest area, actually the biggest, exhibition hall, it'll be our showroom.
Then we have the New Focus Zone, which will be kind of about a five minute walk from the other venue, but it'll also have lots of interesting systems to see. So why don't we go through kind of each zone and explain the concept and maybe some of the highlights that are in each of them.
So we'll begin with the Lights Out Zone, which, as Taketsugu-san mentioned, will be the highlight of our Horizon Smart Factory 2024. And it won't be running all the time lights out, because then it'll be hard to explain the systems right, Taketsugu-san? But we'll make sure to have the lights on and what kind of systems can we expect here?
So in the Lights Out Zone, of course, you know, printing press and then the finishing devices, which include, you know, the perfect binding system and the saddle stitching system will be there. But in between, we're going to use robotics, AGVs, and workflows. So even in the dark everything can be processed automatically. That is basically the concept of this zone.
It'll be crazy seeing everything from the printing to the transportation of the sheets to the finishing systems, and then finish with the booklets and then the books all packaged, and then have them transported away to the shipping area.
That's a pretty interesting area. So we have several ways to achieve it. For example, for the printer inline solution, one example is actually the SCREEN collaboration. SCREEN, you know, continuous inkjet press together with our smart binding system.
So this is actually, you know, from the start, blank paper to the perfect binding, totally inline system.
That one is also with Hunkeler.
Ah yes. Yeah. Unwinder, you know, cutter, buffering device, which is actually provided by Hunkeler Generation 8 series. Another interesting one is actually we have the printing press, you know, from the, Canon, from the Konica Minolta,
These are actually, offline, you know, printed, but the once, the, you know, the pile of the stacker got full, AGV automatically, you know, go to the press and pick up the pile and deliver it to, perfect binder or saddle stitching system to produce automatically.
And they're all sending signals automatically. It's not like someone is calling over the AGV to deliver the paper. It's all communicating through iCE LiNK essentially.
Yeah. iCE LiNK and also the AGV software but that all ties into the workflow.
Which will be in our Automation Workflow Zone where we'll have… In addition to a wide range of inline, nearline and offline standalone systems, we'll also have our Workflow Zone to explain the workflow going behind, especially the lights out, but also the AGV, the logistics system that we have running at the event. Right?
Yeah. So you know, the workflow and then AGV automation is actually one of the important things to achieve this. So at this event, thanks to the collaboration with the software partners, we are actually showing a workflow together with the printing press, and our finishing devices. So the customer can actually visualize the workflow together with actual, you know, printed sheets.
Sometimes, you know, at the exhibition it’s difficult to see the workflow because, you know, workflow is a software and explaining with just the monitors. But at this event, we will be showing with the, you know, just the physical paper.
And then we'll also have a kind of demonstration corner called the AGV Logistics zone, which where, we can, it's the first time we've actually done something like this, but we're showing how AGVs can be utilized for an actual printer or bindery. Right?
So we have a relay zone where we have printed, pallets of printed materials, a forklift AGV, which will be shown for the first time at this event also, will come and pick up the pallets and then transport them to various other stations, like the binding system or the saddle stitching system. Right?
Yeah. So because you know how we can show AGV in such a way, we can present visitors, you know, to explain how those AGV can work at your shop actually..
Yeah. And then also, you know, of course, you know, we have our specialist over there. So if you are interested in implementing AGV, we can discuss it at the event as well.
Great. Why don't we talk about some of the systems that will be in this zone. So what are the highlights?
So in this zone, one of the highlights we have is actually, our new plow folding system will be there. So BBS-56, you know, plow folding system together with a perfect binding solution. But it's the first time showing together with our end sheet feeder and then gauze feeder so we can actually, you know, show the case binding preparation system together with the plow folding system.
Great. And then we will also have our iCE STITCHLINER Mark V there and I believe it's the first time that we're doing something with this system?
Yeah. So, thanks to the collaboration with Tecnau, we are able to show this system together with the Revolution 50, Tecnau’s, you know, their latest solution.
It'll be nice to see for the first time with Tecnau unwinding and cutting technology. Great. Any other systems?
Yeah, we have actually a bunch of systems here. For example, we have a printer inline solution as well. We have shown, you know the, our buffering module, universal buffering module SBM-100, at the drupa, but that will be shown in this area as well, together with the, Ricoh together with the FUJIFILM Business Innovation. So we will be showing SmartSlitter which is a cut sheet processing device and rotary die cutter to, you know, produce inline, you know, solutions.
Yes. So we'll be able to go from blank cut sheets to fully completed cards, business cards, tickets, those sorts of job applications. Right?
And additionally, we'll also have another system with FUJIFILM Business Innovation right? Where it's kind of like a more transactional and direct mail sort of production system.
Yeah. That one was actually, you know, shown at the drupa as well but the, using their unique technology, which is actually how I should say? A toner but it can work as an adhesive.
Adhesive toner. So you'll be able to see the system that can make various, transactional and direct mail applications.
And additionally, we'll also have a wide variety of kind of standalone devices like our new products that we're releasing this year, the SPF-2000 and BQ-300. Right?
Great. All right. So any other systems that we missed in this all? Oh! We'll also have the SmartStacker
And smart binding system, Right?
Yeah. So that system will be combined with robotic technology. Just, you know, we have shown the same thing at the drupa but the SmartStacker and our BQ-500 perfect binder is integrated by the robot.
All right. And then finally we have the New Focus Zone, which will be at the Horizon Academy, about a five minute walk from the other venue. Right. And this is kind of a different take on automation because we're showing how, even offset printing workflows can be automated, right?
Yeah. That's, yeah, that's the concept for that zone. So offset printing part, we are going to collaborate with the RMGT. They are bringing their stacking device, but it is not just a, you know, simple stacking device. You know, when the customer receives the paper, it's actually, you know, the paper’s wrapped, right. So that stacker is actually automatically peeling off the wrap, you know, paper and then deliver to the pallet and well jogged so it will be ready for printing.
So this is a good way for automating the process because I believe, the time consuming job is actually breaking the, you know, wrap paper, and ready, and then jog it, and then putting it on the printing press. So, at this event, unfortunately, we are not able to have the space for the offset press, but we will have the, kind of, you know, cumulation of the delivery section of the offset printing.
And in that area, we're going to put the pile of the printed material. That one is actually automatically picked up by the AGV and delivered to our B1, you know, signature folders. So B1 Signature Folder, processes it to the 16 page, you know signatures, and that 16 page signatures will be piled, and then the robotic arm brings the pile onto the pallet for automatic palletizing.
And then once the pallet gets full, the same AGV comes to the pallet and delivers to the perfect binder, which is actually the Mini CABS system. Then produces perfect bound books. So this time, actually we are going to include some unique features on the perfect binder side as well. Once the book is finished, we are going to put the stacker and then the stacked, you know, book will be automatically paper wrapped, and then that paper wrapped book will be delivered to the delivery section. But on the way, we have the inkjet printer integrated and it will be printing, you know, which book will be in that pile.
And I believe that will be a printer from Riso.
Great. So we have all the way from printed B1 sheets being folded to signatures, the signatures being transported to the bindery, and then the perfect binding, packaging, and then final palletizing of the finished products is all automated into one, streamlined workflow.
Yep. Even after, you know, palletizing, we're going to bring that one by the AGV to the shrink wrapping station and then shrink wrap the pallet.
So it's ready for shipping.
Great. Well, I can't wait to see that. Additionally to this offset workflow, we also have a newer solution that maybe lots of people haven't seen yet.
Yeah. So this is actually our, you know, new trial into the packaging industry. It's a flexible package packer, which we have shown that system at the Interpack show, last year. But, we are going to show that solution in this area as well. This solution is actually, you know, normally integrated with the pouch making system. So this event, unfortunately, we are not able to bring the pouch making system. So complete, already made, pouch will be fed into the stacker, and then picked up by the robot into the boxing. That process will be shown at this event.
Great. And I understand there's a lot of, this is a big opportunity for Horizon. So, if you're interested, stop by the New Focus Zone for a look at this new packaging solution.
That was quite a long list of solutions we have, but that's not all that we're going to have, believe it or not. We will also have some other things going on at the Smart Factory event to kind of make it worthwhile for everyone visiting Japan. Right? So we're also going to be having factory tours.
Yeah. Factory tour, because our theme for this event is smart factory, so we're going to show the factory tour tied into our smart factory concept. Like, we are using the AGVs for making our equipment.
Yes, it'll be interesting to see how Horizon itself actually uses the technology that we're promoting in our own, manufacturing and production.
Additionally, we will also have food and drink with refreshments available. We’ll have a food court, we'll have takoyaki, which is a good Japanese favorite, we'll have rice bowls, a drupa favorite, iCE LiNCREAM will also make a comeback with a local ice cream company, so it'll be very delicious. We'll have the normal hotdogs and burgers as well. So for maybe people that are getting a little sick of Japanese food, we'll have options for that. And, we'll also have an interesting, cultural experience. Right?
Yeah, yeah. So we will be demonstrating, actually, you know, experiencing for you to do the tea ceremony.
Japan is a very famous place for tea. And they have their own kind of traditional tea ceremony that they go where they, you go through and make your own matcha. It's not standard tea but it'll be an interesting experience for everyone I think.
Additionally, we'll have our Horizon International Technical Service Team promoting their activities and how they are actually integrating iCE LiNK to improve various services and technical support too, right?
Yeah, yeah, that's actually the important thing. How utilizing the data, picked up by the iCE LiNK can be used for a service that's actually, you know, very interesting. And we want to explain how important it is for us to implement the iCE LiNK for the future, through that activity as well.
Great. Well, I believe that's it for what we have to share now. If you're interested and wanting to come to the event but don't know how, contact your regional Horizon partner and they'll be able to get you more info so that maybe you can come to the event. We hope to see you at Horizon Smart Factory 2024.
Arigatou gozaimashita. Thank you for joining us in this episode of Hot Minute with Horizon. If you have any questions or topic requests, please send us an email and we'll see if we can introduce it in a future episode. Until next time, stay happy, healthy and finish first with Horizon.