Horizon Radio
Covering the latest Horizon product information and print finishing news. To learn more about Horizon products visit https://www.horizon.co.jp/global.html
Horizon Radio
Hot Minute Ep. 04 - Herbert Cheong and #HistorywithHorizon
In this episode of Hot Minute with Horizon, Bryan welcomes President & Chairman of the Cyber Group, Herbert Cheong, to share his #HistorywithHorizon.
Cyber is Horizon's official distribution partner for Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and other countries in Southeast Asia, with relationships first beginning over 40 years ago in 1982.
We look forward to hearing your #HistorywithHorizon:
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Hot Minute Introduction
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#3 Ryuji Kinugawa and #HistorywithHorizon
#2 Hideharu Hori and #HistorywithHorizon
#1 Eijiro Hori and #HistorywithHorizon
Konnichiwa and hi everyone!
Welcome to Hot Minute with Horizon, I’m your host: Bryan Takano.
Hot Minute is the official podcast of the Horizon Group that’s created to provide you with the latest news and information about Horizon solutions and global finishing trends.
We want to keep things short and sweet so let’s jump right in
Welcome to another episode of Hot Minute, today I’m joined by Herbert Cheong, President and Chairman of the Cyber Group, our official distributor based in Singapore, to introduce his History with Horizon. Thank you for joining me today Herbert.
Thank you Bryan...
To start things off, I want to briefly remind everyone about our “History with Horizon” social media campaign we are holding on LinkedIn.
Just share your “History With Horizon” story on LinkedIn from now to May 3, 2024 with the hashtag “history with horizon”, then follow and tag us and you’ll be automatically entered into a giveaway. Bonus entries for those who include a photo or video with their story, or challenge someone else by tagging them. We want to hear it all, whether it’s a singular memory you have about a Horizon device or team member, maybe an experience you had at a Horizon event, even about the job you ran on a Horizon device the other day! See our website for more information, entry rules, giveaways and story examples.
Now that’s enough from me, let me introduce our guest: Herbert Cheong. Herbert, could we start with a brief introduction about yourself
Well, I am the chairman of Cyber. We have been in business since 1976. our first business was with Ryobi small offset which became the most popular machine in our market . Then a few years later, we connected with Horizon and met them at an exhibition. In 1982 we introduced the first machine the BQ-220, have you seen it?
I've seen pictures.
Yes, Okay. Yep.
So we are operating in many countries to name a few; Singapore, Malaysia, Indoneisia, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand, and Outer Mongolia.
So I am now waiting for your questions.
Thank you for that introduction Herbert. It's an honor to be able to talk with you in person, not in person we're actually connect ed by zoom today, so thank you for joining me all the way from Singapore.
So, how long has Cyber and Horizon been partners?
In 1982 we partnered Horizon and are happy since, sincerely 42 years is not a short time
No its a very long time. Do you have any personal favorites that you can remember off the top of your head or not.
No favorites
It's the association with Horizon. I have pictures of Mr. Hori opening our P and J office He plants the mango tree. One thing about this mango tree is that it never grows big but it has a lot of fruits and they are very sweet so hopefully one day in mango season I hope you will come
Yes, yes I would love to come.
Yeah okay.
This small tree that last trip you came did not show you. Soon it will be more tree but you soon will have a lot of fruits.
That says something like Horizon will help you be fruitful.
Yeah to be fruitful. Horizon helps everybody to be fruitful.
How about we move on to your History with Horizon story can you share it with us?
Yes, I have prepared a brief story which I will share after this interview. So will you proceed with the next question?
Okay so how about do you have any advice for the next generation?
Yes, I have. Treat your customer as part of your family. Give genuine advice for their success. Work hard so you know whats working hard and know you are hard working.
I can definitely see that those are attribiutes that you have held dear as the leader of Cyber so one more question.
So why dont we ask the last question before the History withHorizon.
Last question, I hear rumors that you are quite successful as an entrepreneur, what’s your secret to success?
Not rumours, truly we are, because we are contented.
So success...How do you measure success, it all depend on what you are chasing after in life. Our consideration of success is our chance to work with Horizon.
Great, thank you, thats the perfect uh, thats the perfect answer that we could ask of you and we appreciate working with you too so its a mutual partnership I would say
It's a win-win.
Yes, yes we make each other successful.
Definitely. So now I start my history.
So really this great story is long and happy relationship of 42 years with Horizon, our main supplier of post press equipment.
I briefly outline:
In 1982 Our association started after visiting a print exhibition in Tokyo. During the same year, we start introduction on the BQ-220 perfect binder in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Actually this story I will never forget we went... if I tell you this story maybe you should not record it we saw the BQ-220.
Unfortunately the person who demonstrated the machine opened up the cover for the milling section. So he put the finger into the milling section and blood flew all over the place. So this is how it ends.
So it was quite a exciting beginning for you.
A story I will never forget.
Whoa thats uh... that.. I mean that would linger in my mind as well I think if I saw someone... if I saw that.
If you were that perhaps you would be panicking.
At that time, frankly speaking, I nearly fainted. He put a finger in the milling section and blood flows everywhere
I mean that would be that would be quite a sight so
We have no photos to show you.
No, please don't show us a photo of that.
1983, Around October, we were glad we have opportunity to market the collators, first the friction type AC-16 followed by Air Suction AC-60, both models are very popular with our Ryobi small offset users.
In 1984 With combination of Horizon collators, our small offset became very popular, resulted in sale of the first 1000 units, and celebration was held in ballroom of Singapore most prestigious hotel, The Hyatt, together with our exhibition of then latest presses from Ryobi and Horizon Bindtronic equipment.
In 1985, Horizon’s product improved tremendously supported by Mr. Eijiro Hori, during our Open House and Exhibition. Our business grew from strength to strength in the same year, we purchased a new showroom in the fringe of Singapore city.
in 1991 we Purchased new building in Malaysia to further expand our business.
in 1994 We rebuilt Cyber Centre in Singapore and our business was further enhanced.
Year 2000, We started Cyber Graphics (2000) in Bangkok, Thailand, later known as Cyber SM.
2002, Because of the need to provide proper warehouse for trade-in equipment and training of our users , on March 2, we open our 132,000 sqft new showroom and warehouse in South of Peninsula, Malaysia, with many events to follow.
2006 is one of the most important year marks Cyber’s 30th anniversary was celebrated at Ritz Carlon Hotel Singapore, together with Mr. Eijiro Hori, and Mr. Hiroshi Urakami of Ryobi officiated the ceremony. 650 guests attended the function.
2007 The machines we were marketing are getting bigger, so we need a new showroom in Singapore, the opening of Cyber Centre II in Jurong, the largest industrial estate in Singapore.
During the period of 1982 todate, we have brought many printers to Horizon, because we felt that it is important to get users to know the manufacturer of the equipment they purchased, and we are very proud of Horizon who is progressing annually and the owner, Mr. Eijiro Hori, who visited us regularly gave us much encouragement to move forward.
2007-2017 As many growing companies, many events happened during this decade, which will take too much time to mention.
2017 We completed our dedicated showroom in Petaling Jaya, an annex of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to showcase Horizon products and regular Open House were held, even during Covid-19 period. Glad that Mr. Eijiro Hori consented to act as our guest of honour to open this Cyber Technology Centre.
2024 Recently we held an Open House to include FUJIFILM digital presses in our range of product. Happy to note Mr. Susumu ‘Sam’ Miyazaki and Mr. Muneki Ban attended this function. Mr. Susumu ‘Sam’ Miyazaki spoke at our Users’ Appreciation Night gala dinner at Sheraton Hotel to thank our users for their unwavering support, 360 guests gathered at this function.
Thank you for officiating this
Sounds like a very good event.
Yeah, so thats our History do you need anymore?
Well, thank you for your story.
For more story maybe we can continue but maybe not today.
In 42 years maybe it is not easy to remember everything.
Yeah right okay thank you very much.
Alright, thank you very much.
See you in Japan.
Yes, we'll see you soon thank you for your time today.
Thank you, bye bye.
Thank you bye.
Arigatogozaimashita, thank you for joining us in this episode of Hot Minute with Horizon.
If you have any questions or topic requests please send us an email and we'll see if we can introduce it in a future episode.
Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and finish first with Horizon.